TxClient..::..Simulate Method

Overload List

  Name Description
Public method Simulate(MsgBase, TxOptions)
Simulates the specified Tx / message.
Public method Simulate(IMessage, TxOptions)
Simulates the specified message.
Public method Simulate(array<IMessage>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to simulate a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages, without broadcasting it to the chain. Can be used to get a gas estimation or to see the output without actually committing a transaction on-chain. The input should be exactly how you'd use it in Tx.Broadcast(), except that you don't have to pass in gasLimit, gasPriceInFeeDenom and feeDenom.
Public method Simulate(array<MsgBase>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to simulate a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages, without broadcasting it to the chain. Can be used to get a gas estimation or to see the output without actually committing a transaction on-chain. The input should be exactly how you'd use it in Tx.Broadcast(), except that you don't have to pass in gasLimit, gasPriceInFeeDenom and feeDenom.