TxClient Members

The TxClient type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Broadcast(MsgBase, TxOptions)
Broadcasts the specified Tx / message.
Public method Broadcast(IMessage, TxOptions)
Broadcasts the specified Tx / messages.
Public method Broadcast(array<IMessage>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to send a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages. The messages are executed in sequence, and the transaction succeeds if all messages succeed.
Public method Broadcast(array<MsgBase>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to send a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages. The messages are executed in sequence, and the transaction succeeds if all messages succeed.
Public method Broadcast<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(MsgBase, TxOptions)
Used to send a single transactions / messages.
Public method Broadcast<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(IMessage, TxOptions)
Used to send a single transactions / messages.
Public method Broadcast<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(array<MsgBase>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to send a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages. The messages are executed in sequence, and the transaction succeeds if all messages succeed. The result tries to convert the first message result to T.
Public method Broadcast<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(array<IMessage>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to send a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages. The messages are executed in sequence, and the transaction succeeds if all messages succeed. The result tries to convert the first message result to T.
Public method Simulate(MsgBase, TxOptions)
Simulates the specified Tx / message.
Public method Simulate(IMessage, TxOptions)
Simulates the specified message.
Public method Simulate(array<IMessage>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to simulate a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages, without broadcasting it to the chain. Can be used to get a gas estimation or to see the output without actually committing a transaction on-chain. The input should be exactly how you'd use it in Tx.Broadcast(), except that you don't have to pass in gasLimit, gasPriceInFeeDenom and feeDenom.
Public method Simulate(array<MsgBase>[]()[][], TxOptions)
Used to simulate a complex transactions, which contains a list of messages, without broadcasting it to the chain. Can be used to get a gas estimation or to see the output without actually committing a transaction on-chain. The input should be exactly how you'd use it in Tx.Broadcast(), except that you don't have to pass in gasLimit, gasPriceInFeeDenom and feeDenom.


  Name Description
Public property Authz
Authorization module.
Public property Bank
Create and broadcast transactions.
Public property Compute
Store, init and execute smart contracts.
Public property Crisis
Crisis module.
Public property Distribution
Distribution module.
Public property Evidence
Evidence module.
Public property Feegrant
Feegrant module.
Public property Gov
Governance module.
Public property IbcChannel
IBC Channel module.
Public property IbcClient
IBC Client module.
Public property IbcConnection
IBC Connection module.
Public property IbcTransfer
IBC Transfer module.
Public property Slashing
Slashing module.
Public property Staking
Stake module.
Public property Vesting
Vesting module.