TxResultCode Enumeration

Enum TxResultCode

Namespace:  SecretNET.Tx
Assembly:  SecretNET (in SecretNET.dll)


public enum TxResultCode


Member nameDescription
Success Success is returned if the transaction executed successfully
ErrInternal ErrInternal should never be exposed, but we reserve this code for non-specified errors.
ErrTxDecode ErrTxDecode is returned if we cannot parse a transaction.
ErrInvalidSequence ErrInvalidSequence is used the sequence number (nonce) is incorrect for the signature.
ErrUnauthorized ErrUnauthorized is used whenever a request without sufficient authorization is handled.
ErrInsufficientFunds ErrInsufficientFunds is used when the account cannot pay requested amount.
ErrUnknownRequest ErrUnknownRequest to doc.
ErrInvalidAddress ErrInvalidAddress to doc.
ErrInvalidPubKey ErrInvalidPubKey to doc.
ErrUnknownAddress ErrUnknownAddress to doc.
ErrInvalidCoins ErrInvalidCoins to doc.
ErrOutOfGas ErrOutOfGas to doc.
ErrMemoTooLarge ErrMemoTooLarge to doc.
ErrInsufficientFee ErrInsufficientFee to doc.
ErrTooManySignatures ErrTooManySignatures to doc.
ErrNoSignatures ErrNoSignatures to doc.
ErrJSONMarshal ErrJSONMarshal defines an ABCI typed JSON marshalling error.
ErrJSONUnmarshal ErrJSONUnmarshal defines an ABCI typed JSON unmarshalling error.
ErrInvalidRequest ErrInvalidRequest defines an ABCI typed error where the request contains invalid data.
ErrTxInMempoolCache ErrTxInMempoolCache defines an ABCI typed error where a tx already exists in the mempool.
ErrMempoolIsFull ErrMempoolIsFull defines an ABCI typed error where the mempool is full.
ErrTxTooLarge ErrTxTooLarge defines an ABCI typed error where tx is too large.
ErrKeyNotFound ErrKeyNotFound defines an error when the key doesn't exist.
ErrWrongPassword ErrWrongPassword defines an error when the key password is invalid.
ErrorInvalidSigner ErrorInvalidSigner defines an error when the tx intended signer does not match the given signer.
ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment defines an error for an invalid gas adjustment.
ErrInvalidHeight ErrInvalidHeight defines an error for an invalid height.
ErrInvalidVersion ErrInvalidVersion defines a general error for an invalid version.
ErrInvalidChainID ErrInvalidChainID defines an error when the chain-id is invalid.
ErrInvalidType ErrInvalidType defines an error an invalid type.
ErrTxTimeoutHeight ErrTxTimeoutHeight defines an error for when a tx is rejected out due to an explicitly set timeout height.
ErrUnknownExtensionOptions ErrUnknownExtensionOptions defines an error for unknown extension options.
ErrWrongSequence ErrWrongSequence defines an error where the account sequence defined in the signer info doesn't match the account's actual sequence number.
ErrPackAny ErrPackAny defines an error when packing a protobuf message to Any fails.
ErrUnpackAny ErrUnpackAny defines an error when unpacking a protobuf message from Any fails.
ErrLogic ErrLogic defines an internal logic error, e.g. an invariant or assertion that is violated. It is a programmer error, not a user-facing error.
ErrConflict ErrConflict defines a conflict error, e.g. when two goroutines try to access the same resource and one of them fails.
ErrNotSupported ErrNotSupported is returned when we call a branch of a code which is currently not supported.
ErrNotFound ErrNotFound defines an error when requested entity doesn't exist in the state.
ErrIO ErrIO should be used to wrap internal errors caused by external operation. Examples: not DB domain error, file writing etc...
ErrAppConfig ErrAppConfig defines an error occurred if min-gas-prices field in BaseConfig is empty.
ErrPanic ErrPanic is only set when we recover from a panic, so we know to redact potentially sensitive system info.