TxOptions Properties

The TxOptions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BroadcastCheckIntervalMs
When waiting for the tx to commit on-chain, how much time (in milliseconds) to wait between checks. Smaller intervals will cause more load on your node provider. Keep in mind that blocks on Secret Network take about 6 seconds to finilize. Defaults to `6.000`. Ignored if `waitForCommit = false`.
Public property BroadcastMode
If `BroadcastMode.Sync` - Broadcast transaction to mempool and wait for CheckTx response. @see https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#/Tx/broadcast_tx_sync If `BroadcastMode.Async` Broadcast transaction to mempool and do not wait for CheckTx response. @see https://docs.tendermint.com/master/rpc/#/Tx/broadcast_tx_async
Public property BroadcastTimeoutMs
How much time (in milliseconds) to wait for tx to commit on-chain. Defaults to `60.000`. Ignored if `waitForCommit = false`.
Public property ExplicitSignerData
ExplicitSignerData can be used to override `chainId`, `accountNumber` and `accountSequence`. This is usefull when using BroadcastMode.Async or when you don't want secretNET to query for `accountNumber` and `accountSequence` from the chain. (smoother in UIs, less load on your node provider).
Public property FeeDenom
Defaults to "uscrt".
Public property FeeGranter
Address of the fee granter from which to charge gas fees.
Public property GasLimit
Defaults to `25_000`.
Public property GasPriceInFeeDenom
E.g. gasPriceInFeeDenom=0.25 and feeDenom="uscrt" => Total fee for tx is `0.25 * gasLimit`uscrt. Defaults to `0.25`.
Public property Memo
Defaults to "".
Public property SkipSimulate
If AlwaysSimulateTransactions is set on the SecretNetworkClient, the transaction is simulate to get the estimated gas fee. If SkipSimulate is set in the TxOptions, the simulation is skipped.
Public property WaitForCommit
If `false` returns immediately with only the `transactionHash` field set. Defaults to `true`.