MsgExecuteContract<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Properties

The MsgExecuteContract<(Of <(<'T>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CodeHash
The SHA256 hash value of the contract's WASM bytecode, represented as case-insensitive 64 character hex string. This is used to make sure only the contract that's being invoked can decrypt the query data. codeHash is an optional parameter but using it will result in way faster execution time. Valid examples: - "af74387e276be8874f07bec3a87023ee49b0e7ebe08178c49d0a49c3c98ed60e" - "0xaf74387e276be8874f07bec3a87023ee49b0e7ebe08178c49d0a49c3c98ed60e" - "AF74387E276BE8874F07BEC3A87023EE49B0E7EBE08178C49D0A49C3C98ED60E" - "0xAF74387E276BE8874F07BEC3A87023EE49B0E7EBE08178C49D0A49C3C98ED60E"
(Inherited from MsgExecuteContractBase.)
Public property ContractAddress
The contract's address
(Inherited from MsgExecuteContract.)
Public property GrpcMsg
Gets the GRPC message.
(Inherited from MsgBase.)
Public property Msg
Public property MsgType (Inherited from MsgExecuteContract.)
Public property Sender (Inherited from MsgExecuteContractBase.)
Public property SentFunds
Funds to send to the contract
(Inherited from MsgExecuteContract.)