SecretNetworkClient Properties

The SecretNetworkClient type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AlwaysSimulateTransactions
WARNING: On mainnet it's recommended to not simulate every transaction as this can burden your node provider. Instead, use this while testing to determine the gas limit for each of your app's transactions (use TxOptions.GasLimit), then in production use hard-coded.
Public property ChainId
The chain-id is used in encryption code and when signing txs.
Public property EncryptionSeed
Passing `encryptionSeed` will allow tx decryption at a later time. Ignored if `encryptionUtils` is supplied.
Public property GasEstimationMultiplier
Gas estimation is known to be a bit off, so you might need to adjust it a bit before broadcasting (default is 1.1 / 10%).
Public property GrpcWebUrl
A gRPC-web url, by default on port 9091
Public property Permit
A (amino) signer. for signing permits (needs an attached wallet).
Public property Query
Access to all query types.
Public property TransactionApprovalCallback
Transaction approval callback for a user approval of an transaction.
Public property Tx
A signer client (= with wallet) can broadcast transactions. Tx gives access to all transaction types.
Public property Wallet
A wallet for signing transactions and permits. When `wallet` is supplied, `walletAddress` and `chainId` must be supplied too.
Public property WalletAddress
WalletAddress is the specific account address in the wallet that is permitted to sign transactions and permits. If no wallet is attached the `CreateClientOptions.WalletAddress` is returned.