Wallet Methods

The Wallet type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member Create(String, Wordlist, String, CreateWalletOptions)
Creates the specified mnemonic.
Public method Static member Create(Wordlist, String, CreateWalletOptions)
Creates a new random wallet with the specified wordlist.
Public method Static member Create(array<Byte>[]()[][], CreateWalletOptions)
Creates the specified seed.
Public method GetSubaccount
Gets a subaccount .
Public method GetTxEncryptionSeed
Gets the tx encryption seed (from which the encryption key for encrypting the transactions is generated) from the storage.
Public method Static member InitWallet
Initializes the wallet.
Public method RemoveTxEncryptionSeed
Removes the tx encryption seed (from which the encryption key for encrypting the transactions is generated) from the storage.
Public method SetTxEncryptionSeed
Sets the tx encryption seed (from which the encryption key for encrypting the transactions is generated) and saves it to the storage.
Public method SignAmino
Signs the transaction (amino).
Public method SignDirect
Signs the transaction (direct).
Public method SignMessage(array<Byte>[]()[][], String)
Signs the message.