MauiSecureStorage Methods

The MauiSecureStorage type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method GetFirstKey
Gets the first key.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method GetFirstMnemonic
Gets the first mnemonic.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method GetMnemonic
Gets the mnemonic.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method GetPrivateKey
Gets the private key.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method GetStoredKeyAdressList
Gets the stored key adress list.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method GetStoredMnemonicAdressList
Gets the stored mnemonic adress list.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method GetTxEncryptionSeed
Gets the tx encryption seed. By default, this is derived from a signed message (Keplr style) and gets stored.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method HasMnemonic
Determines whether the specified address has mnemonic.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method HasPrivateKey
Determines whether [has private key] [the specified address].
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method Remove
Removes the private key and mnemonic for the given address.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method RemoveMnemonic
Removes the mnemonic.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method RemovePrivateKey
Removes the private key.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method RemoveTxEncryptionSeed
Removes the tx encryption seed from the storage.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method SaveMnemonic
Saves the mnemonic.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method SavePrivateKey
Saves the private key.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)
Public method SetTxEncryptionSeed
Sets the tx encryption seed and saves it to the storage.
(Inherited from HotPrivateKeyStorageBase.)