SecretEncryptionUtils Methods

The SecretEncryptionUtils type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Decrypt
Decrypts the specified ciphertext.
Public method Encrypt
Encrypts the specified contract code hash.
Public method Static member GenerateNewKeyPair
Generates the new key pair.
Public method Static member GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed
Generates a new key pair from the given 32-byte secret seed (which should be generated with a CSPRNG) and returns it as object. The returned keys can be used for signing and key agreement.
Public method Static member GenerateNewSeed
Uses RandomNumberGenerator which is derived from RNGCryptoServiceProvider and is supposed to be secure
Public method GetTxEncryptionSeed
Gets the tx encryption key.
Public method SetEncryptionSeed
Sets the tx encryption key / seed from which the encryption key for encrypting the transactions is generated.